
General FAQs

Where can I buy Busbi products?

Where can I buy Busbi products?

Please visit our Retailers page to find our where you can purchase Busbi products.

If you are a reseller, and are interested in purchasing Busbi products, please get in touch with us via our contact form.

Where can e-scooters be ridden?

E-scooters can only be ridden on private land, with the land owners' permission.

Is it possible to get insurance for an e-scooter?

Yes, an e-scooter can be insured against theft, accidental damage, etc.

How long does it take for customer services to respond?

We aim to respond within 48 hours. For any queries, please get in touch with us via our contact form.

Are there any weight restrictions for riding a Busbi e-scooter?

You should be between 20 kg - 100 kg.

Can I ride my scooter in the rain?

Your Busbi e-scooter is splash proof, but it is not recommended that you ride in the rain.

Still need help?

Please use our contact form.

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